The Armor of Light



The moment they’re born, baby giraffes fall eight feet from their mother’s womb to the concrete earth. That’s when the real violence begins, as the mother kicks blow after blow to her fledgling struggling to stand… and just when it gets on its feet, she uses her powerful neck to shove the baby down yet again. But what looks like merciless cruelty is actually the mother’s first gift to her offspring…

It has to learn to get up.

It has to learn to get up quickly, because lurking nearby, tasting the wind for new birth, are lions and leopards stalking to devour those who don’t get up fast enough. If the herd has to flee, the baby must be ready.

After the gladiatorial walloping subsides and the baby giraffe is firmly standing, only then does the mother celebrate—Her joy is unmistakable. It’s a celebration of life. She knows her baby is going to make it, because it is able to stand.


And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

~ Romans 14:4


Some days can feel like starting all over again, even falling out of bed eight feet to the floor like a newborn giraffe, only to be kicked again and again by doomsday newsfeeds, harassed by people who don’t love well, a rush of memories leaking some of yesterday into today… You might feel like not getting up at all. You might even feel hopeless.

Child of God, get up.

Because even though there are things staring you down from the weeds, you are needed.

How do you fight the lurking darkness? You pray, and while God is handling the impossible, you put on the Armor of Light and shine into someone else’s shadows…


…put on the armor of light.

~ Romans 13:12


The Darkness wants you to stay down.

It doesn’t want you to smile, or cook, or plant, or show up. It doesn’t want you to speak kindness to those who feel invisible or deliver food to fellowships or even do today’s chores. It wants you to quit—it wants you to think all is lost.

All is not lost, because you are the light of the world.


You are the light of the world.

~ Jesus


Because The Resurrection happened, you are here to show those alone in the dark within your reach that Love is coming for them. You have to get up. You have to shine, to fight, to breathe on the embers of your one life and light the way…


The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.

~ Romans 8:11


You have to build, create, craft, teach, serve… This is the kindling of your life.

Summon all your love, all your gifts, all your insight, all your talent, and offer them a blazing sacrifice to the God who resurrects so the smoke signal of your hope rises to those needing to see signs of life. There are too many dead people telling us it’s over.

It’s nowhere near over because the Light of Life is alive in us.


Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.

~ Jesus


Whatever you’re facing today, get up, and get up quickly. He who lives in you is able to make you stand.


  1. // Reply

    I have been looking for this for almost a month. My heart swelled and tears haven’t stopped since I read ‘Child of God, get up.’. I read your blog for hours yesterday. I’m not ‘well versed’ in The Bible so reading your blog with scriptures helps me understand so much more. Thank you for this. I’m feeling lost, empty, worthless, unloveable… im not any of those things. I am a Child of God and my life has purpose, as mundane as it may be to me, I’m going to wear my Armor today.

    1. // Reply

      Tasha, I’m in tears… Your words have gone right through me. So many people feel the way you feel, and I’m so thankful you’re letting the Lord love on you and remind you of the Truth of who you are. I pray He brings to mind all the ways He’s pursued you your whole life, the ways He’s winked at you and waved hello from the details of things no one else might’ve noticed. Seeing Him is how I feel loved by Him. I pray you see Him everywhere.

      1. // Reply

        My heart has completely changed. As a child I was taught to love God and talk to Him like I would my father. I didn’t know how. Daddy gave me that and so much more. All of the things that I was ashamed of my Daddy about are some of the things that I have learned are the best qualities to have. One day I will understand it all and have peace, until then, I speak to Father God with an open, ugly heart, asking forgiveness continually, thanking Him for every precious second He gives me, and trying consistently to be more like Jesus. It is only when the dust settles from me dropping to my knees that I’m able to really see, so it seems that should happen more often. ???????????????????????

  2. // Reply

    The most perfect timimg of wisdom to come my way. Bless you!

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